The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany - 30 January 2011
Epiphany IV Micah 6:1-8 Psalm 15 I Corinthians 1:18-31 Saint Matthew 5:1-12 Albrecht Dürer - Apocalypse BACKGROUND – The Prophets I It might be a good time to step back and think about the prophets, what they contributed to the Holy Scriptures, and how they were perceived in the time of their ministry. The term, prophet, is a Greek translation of the Hebrew word Nabi’ , which indicated some one who was considered to be an authentic spokesperson for a divinity. In the Hebrew Scriptures, and indeed in early Christianity, it mattered not whether the prophet spoke for YHWH, but rather that he or she spoke the truth. Thus both Balaam (see the First Reading for this morning) and the Sybil are honored along with the prophets who saw themselves as agents for the Most High. The notion that prophets were diviners of the future is a much later development. The original concept was that these men and women spoke God’s will – directed to th...