The First Sunday in Advent, 3 December 2018
The First Sunday in Advent, 2 December 2018 Jeremiah 33:14-16 Psalm 25:1-9 I Thessalonians 3:9-13 St. Luke 21:25-36 Background: Apocalyptic in the Gospels In order to understand the development of apocalyptic materials in the Gospels, we need to understand the environment in the first or second century BCE. The recent readings from Daniel help us to get a feel for what these writers were up against. It helps when we hear certain commentators speak about this literature as “crisis literature”. In having visions about making the whole of reality, the cosmos, right again. Some of this comes from the influence of Persian dualism – the forces of evil against the forces of right. Soon that actuality became quite real in the world of the Seleucid kings, and then the Romans. Jews did think that their world had been compromised and needed to be redeemed. It is in this world understanding that Jesus arrives, and in which the literature about him was ...