The Fourth Sunday in Lent, 31 March 2019
The Fourth Sunday in Lent, 31 March 2019 Joshua 5:9-12 Psalm 32 II Corinthians 5:16-21 St. Luke 15:1-1, 11b-32 Background: Repentance Martin Luther took a phrase from Augustine of Hippo to use as a description of sin – incurvatus in se. It is an image of one literally turned in upon oneself – a kind of selfishness that does not see God or the other. This image is useful as we begin to talk about repentance, which is really a description of the opposite kind of direction. The Greek word describes it perfectly – metanoia. This word, a compound, has two elements: meta – after, and noia – thinking, perceiving, observing, thus a “change of mind” a turning from one thing to another. There is something of the same feel in the Hebrew, where two words represent the notion: shuv – to return, and nacham – to feel sorrow. These two ideas are represented in the Confessio Augustana (The Augsburg Confess...