The Seventh Sunday of Easter, 2 June 2019
The Seventh Sunday of Easter – 2 June 2013 Acts 16:16-34 Psalm 97 Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21 Saint John 17:20-26 Background: Divination There were several forms of divination in the ancient world, and it ranged from social respectability to being seen as a sham. The various forms of divination were omens, cleromancy (the casting of lots), augury (using sacrificed animals, the flight of birds, or the patterns of a rooster), or spontaneous divination. It was always seen as being wisdom offered from either gods or spirits, as in today’s first reading. Here the woman is described as having a “spirit”, and she cries out the knowledge that other spirits had divulged about the apostles’ purpose and status. Divination is described in the Hebrew Scriptures as forbidden, and yet it was used in some forms. The divining stones urim and thummin are cited along with Gideon’s wool. The “casting of lots” is known in the New Testament...