The Eighth Sunday after the Epiphany - 27 February 2011
Epiphany VIII Isaiah 49:8-16a Psalm 131 I Corinthians 54:1-5 Saint Matthew 6:24-34 John Singer Sargent - "Prophetic Frieze" BACKGROUND – Prophets III The Hebrew word nabi (prophet) is probably a “loan word” from the Akkadian word for “sent one” or “one made to speak”. To whom was this word applied? Initially it is applied to Moses, and secondarily to his brother Aaron, and to his sister Miriam. To understand what was initially meant by the term, a look at Numbers 11:24-30 will be helpful. In these verses we can get an idea of what the so-called “ecstatic prophets” were like. These individuals, and groups of individuals used music, and dance to set up a circumstance of ecstasy to deliver a message of patriotism and loyalty to God. See Exodus 15:20-21 for the example of Miriam’s prophetic behavior at the Red Sea. Later on, this term, will take on other meanings. In the time of Moses, however, (and we must remi...