The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 22 - 2 October 2011
The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 22 - 2 October 2011 Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 Psalm 19 or Isaiah 5:1-7 Psalm 80:7-14 Philippians 3:4b-14 St. Matthew 21:33-46 Background: Baptism None of the readings for today are in anyway related to baptism other than by inference, but I choose to comment on it due to the fact that we will be celebrating a Baptism at St. Mark’s on this particular Sunday. Essential to this liturgy is the experience that the choir and I had while at Salisbury Cathedral in July of this year, where we participated in the baptism of several infants at the cathedral. What struck me, and what ought to form the manner in which we baptize, was the stational nature of the liturgy that day, moving from the doors (where the candidates were signed and inducted into the catechumenate) to the lectern, where the Word was celebrated, to the Font, where the water was ble